Welcome to the CREATE project website!

We are happy to announce that the CREATE project website is now ready.

The purpose of the CREATE project is to provide women with tools and knowledge to create sustainable fashion garments. In our website you are now able to keep yourself up-to-date with the project progress and achievements. In here we are also going to post the Educators' Handbook, the tool that gathers the knowledge provided to the project benefactors, so you can read through the five chapters provided in the handbook:

  1. Onboarding and belonging

  2. Personal growth, power of community and empowerment.

  3. Co-design, circularity, materials and design

  4. Produce capsule, pattern design, zero-waste tailoring

  5. Business alliances and go-to-market.

On the 27th of May the partners of the project will gather in Milan to work on the Educators' Handbook. Furthermore, a toolkit of training resources will be developed and is going to be finalized in Madrid, by providing workshops on the topic and spreading the knowledge about creating sustainable fashion. We hope that with those workshops we will provide women not only with fashion-creation skills, but also with self-confidence and assurance, which are going to make it an opportunity for them to become fashion entrepreneurs in the future.

The contribution to the project was made by a few organizations, because of their specialized knowledge in different areas. The co-creators of the provided handbook are: Framework, IED/HN, SOFFA, WFTO-Europe, WLY.


First Transnational Project Meeting in Milan